Other Charities
We are firm believers that through collaboration, much more is achieved and we actively promote such collaboration with our premises being used by a variety of other charities to offer their services. As relationships and trust have been built between Sanctus and service users by charities basing themselves on our premises, we have found success rates are considerably higher. Other charities and services become part of an overall integrated solution. If you feel that your charity or service could benefit our service users, please get in touch and you will be very welcome.
If you are another charity or are thinking of creating a charity within our sector, or even other sectors, we are very happy to share experiences. Sanctus has been operating for 10+ years, and many lessons have been learnt from how to survive, and how best to support our service users, to how to build a really good staff and volunteer team. We believe in the success of the whole charity sector, not just ourselves. We are happy to share experiences, facilitate site visits and help make connections. Please get in touch and we will see if we can help.